Why a Menswear Week?

Why a Menswear Week?

Why a Menswear Week?

With the long established Fashion Weeks dedicating the majority of their schedule to womans wear, and the rise of male dressing, it’s been shown that men are increasingly spending more on fashion, beauty and grooming products.  Infact, within fashion, menswear is the leading growth area for many brands and labels in terms of sales.

International menswear weeks have shown to be incredibly successful, and SA Menswear Week has shown that a dedicated platform with the correct media, buyer, industry and marketing support delivers the results designers want:  media, consumers and fashion followers being made aware of the South African menswear designers.   Over time, this approach leads to bigger, more profitable brands and labels as consumers are educated on the sheer selection and availability of locally designed and produced fashion, driving them to actively seek out brands over imported or mass market retail offerings.

Focus means results

As the only focussed fashion week event on the continent, SAMW showed that, inline with international research, that grouping like designers on a platform developed and promoted specifically for their market segment gets results.  A focussed platform with a broad reach also assisted SAMW in getting unbeatable media values for designers and sponsors, by reaching out beyond just fashion, the platform exposes designers to markets that spend money, and proudly support local design.

SAMW believes in providing the strongest possible platform to designers assisted with world class marketing and PR support.  We are not retailers, trade facilitators or an entertainment platform to sell tickets.   SAMW is a fashion week dedicated to the advancement of designers and brands participating, and facilitating the necessary relationships for established designers to expand the demand for their product, and further for young and emerging designers taking them from beginning, facilitating business, marketing and business strategy partners to assist them in reaching the next stage of their development and business, a step often overlooked when young designers take part in competitions or programmes.

Ongoing development to remain the best platform

There’s no stopping the changes in the way that fashion weeks are consumed.   Ever specialising platforms, more platforms and new platforms question the sustainability of of these events in a time when many are questioning their very relevance.

SAMW strives to continually lead the fashion week platforms in terms of approaching the way in which designers showcase and what results are required.  Online, digital and social media have changed radically, just in the last few years, how consumers and media disseminate, consume and promote fashion.  Cycles are shorter, but need to be sustainable, and SAMW aims to balance this by putting the right people in the show venue and discussion to build the next generation of menswear designers on the continent.

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